Top August 2024 sales performers

September 6, 2024

Shout outs for RealWork top August Sales performers! They put in a ton of work and were a big part of the team finishing 122% to goal this month.


Top Rookie: Greg Voith ⚑
While all of our August hires did great, Greg in particular came out of the gates hot with 8 sales in his first month. He brings plenty of relevant experience and demonstrable sales mastery. Super excited to see what he can do when he's fully trained and ramped!


Top SDR: Emily Griggs πŸ‘‘
Emily finished #1 SDR for the 4th month in a row, and RealWork only brought back the SDR role 5 months ago. She finished at $12,468 and was #1 by more than double (closer to triple). Appointments set by her closed at an INSANE 64.3% this month. On top of her own sales, I rely on Griggs heavily in the training and mentoring of new SDR's & AE's in onboarding. She's a great example of a consistent, process drive salesperson and we're super proud of how far she's come within the company.


Top AE: Alex Paterson πŸ”₯
Alex has been the undefeated #1 AE since January and did it again this month with $15,225. We can almost always count on him for a deal or two on any given day. He even put up a sale from home while out sick one day this month. We appreciate that Alex always has one eye on the his own number and one eye on the team number. We regularly get questions about how much more we need as a team or check-ins on how we're pacing for goal from Alex and, as any sales leader knows, that's a good person to have in your corner.


We're grateful to work with these 3 and MANY other great people both inside and outside of Sales at RealWork!
